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2008年11月5日 星期三

使用 Outlook Express 收信亂碼, 怎麼辦?

電腦問題 Q n A

使用 Outlook Express 收信亂碼 - by Howard Fox

Q ︰使用outlook express收到簡體的e-mail時字體亂碼,有什麼方法可以正常顯示簡體字

A: Outlook Express 是我們常用的收發郵件軟體, 不但功能強大且是免費的

我認為比起 Outlook 是方便多多,

關於顯示簡體字的問題, 其實在英文版或是繁體中文版都可以顯示

ps: 最好確定安裝的簡體字型, 這個可以在控制台-> 地區與語言選項來安裝, 若是 Windows XP 版本的, 請自備原版CD. 會需要用到CD內的語言檔案.

現在開啟 Outlook Express, 找到我們要收的郵件, 會發現郵件內的簡體字是亂碼一通

這個時候到 檢視 View -> 編碼 Encoding -> 簡體中文 Chinese Simplified (GB2312)

之後會發現神奇的事情,原來亂碼字的郵件, 現在轉換成簡體字可讀文件了.

(歡迎轉載, 轉載時請保留原作者連結與出處, 感謝)


但是怕你老闆不喜歡這種方式, 因為改為簡體字碼的話,原來主旨欄內的繁體字會變成亂碼, 所以不是最好的解決方式
或許如其他網友提供的,用 Web Mail 或是 Outlook 試試看.

2 則留言:

Alex 提到...

For work with mails in inet I found a lot of tool.but one of them me liked and I used it-outlook express repair folders,tool helped me in my issue,it is free as is known,moreover utiltiy can item scans Outlook Express default folder and finds dbx files, that correspond to your mailbox, if they were not deleted,will start to parse your mailbox and retrieve messages, when Outlook Express folder repair is possible,permits to preview the messages, that were successfully restored from dbx files,can start the process of email recovery and Outlook Express repair folders right after its corruption, it considerably increases the chances,will save separate files in eml format, just click on the Save e-mail(s) button and finish the process,repairing Outlook Express folders may take a lot of time, please be patient and do not interrupt the analysis.

Alexis 提到...

When I was working some years ago I had many problems with mails.And I didn't to know how to solve it.But fortunately in inet I found-outlook express repair files.Tool helped me very quickly and it was free.In addition program can npacks dbx files and extracts messages in eml format.